Monday, September 1, 2008

The Robber Baron of Warsong Gulch, Contest Version

After a long and grueling struggle to get the bastardly thing rendered(while crashing every 10-15 minutes at some points), I managed to get the movie uploaded, processed, and entered in the contest literally minutes before the steely jaws clamped down to disallow further entries!

When I used the "Add video to group" link to submit my movie to the contest, I got a 404 and thought that it had all been for naught... but then, upon checking the contest page it turns out that I'd been accepted in the nick of time, the 120th entry.

So, anyway, enjoy. And expect an HD stream quite soon.

A silent film in the style of earlier cinema.
B. Z. Caddington, profiteer and PVP twink, attempts to break the stalemate caused by the alliance turtling inside their base.

Hopefully the style will not turn away too many people- despite the attempt at a low technology feel, I tried to include some entertaining humor, action, and experimental animation into these six minutes.

A slight disclaimer: This movie has no expansion content, and is in no way a "leak" of unreleased Blizzard material. There is no train in the game that I can help you unlock, as much as I'd like to. I modeled the train and the tracks, and they cannot be used in game. It is certainly flattering to have my work taken for official, though!


Spooner said...

GREAT JOB, I'd wax poetic here but you can just check this post instead :)

Pinkhair 3d said...

Awesome, thanks Spoon!